industrial sustainablity

Welcome to Veinworks. We are constantly proposing new ideas and developments in the way industrial containers should be in terms of occupational safety and sustainability, which change day by day. We are constantly searching for new industrial containers that take into account future occupational safety and sustainability, and we would like to provide services that satisfy our customers. We will jump out of Japan and challenge our passion and technology for industrial containers.



Drum,special industrial containers,Nationwide pump-up agent service,Hyper Link Drum, IoT Remaining liquid detection system, Empty drum collection system, industrial container business

ドラム缶・特殊な産業容器・ポンプアップ代行サービス・ハイパーリンクドラム・IoT 残液検知システム・空ドラム缶回収システム・産業容器ビジネス

Our business introduction